
The Naive Education system

  Education is the corner stone of modern civilization , it is what transforms man from ignorance into civilization. The inception of education is the most poignant and essential feature of mankind. Modern Science and Technology has only because of education reaching the realms of the vast public.   Yet in today's scenario Education has become an ostensible status symbol, something which differentiates penury and royalty. The core competencies bestowed upon the student are directly related to the nature of available empoloyment opportunities which are clearly lopsided towards the Information Technology Sector. A sector which does not require intelligence or creativity but requires a form of perpetual obedience and abstract naiveness in the professional spheres. The sector does not deal with original work but deals with support of software.    It is ironic to note that India does not have Patent laws for software. The nature of work in most It firms does not requi...

Chemical Foods

The Maggi contraversy has hit all of us. We have been consuming the Maggi since time immemorial. Maggi has been more or less a household article for all of us. It has been banned in India recently due to its high lead content and added Monosodium Glutamate popularly known as Aginomoto, a taste making ingredient. Many of us have been shocked by these turn of events. A food item containing lead a dangerous chemical.  The Monosodium Glutamate is a common food taste enhancer that was originally developed by a Japanese company known as Aginomoto. This substance is a slow poison , it can increase the Glutamic acid levels in the body ( the reason why it causes an increase in taste sensitivity) and increase the levels of insulin in the body , leading to diabetes, obesity and long term health impairments.The increase in taste is also because of the neurotransmitter effect of the MSG, What should be labelled as a dangerous drug is what we get to consume! Why because of the comp...

The Indian Right Wing

                                       The Indian Right Wing                              " And from Every Dead Child, Rifle with eyes                                 And from Every Crime Bullets are born                                 Which will one Day hit the Bulls Eye                                  Of our Hearts "                                                     -Pablo Neruda        T...